Chapter 14 is now over, which means the story is going into E N D G A M E
For Doomsday’s “finale” I am going to 1) take the summer off and 2) diverge from the twice-weekly updates to give myself all the time I need so each page can look exactly how I want it. Updates will be a few pages at a time, most likely.
Please note: Patreon subscribers will still see pages go up as I finish them, so if you want to get on that wagon you can click here or navigate to the Patreon button on the rightmost sidebar.
There are two more chapters in total, with the last one being more of a denouement. So hold on tight, my dears, because the last twelve years are about to pay off with some narrative results.
It’s hard to believe this story will be concluded within the next ~year and a half, but that’s the plan and I think I can do it! Thank you for your support. (and let your friends know that now’s a great time to start reading)
My wrist-to-shoulderblade region has decided to explode as of Saturday morning, so in the interest of trying to be nicer to myself this go-around I have made the executive decision to take this week off from comic updates. I will see you again bright and early on Wednesday the 16th (or I will check in and update you on further delays).
Thanks for reading!
and we’re on the home stretch! Having heroically overcome burnout (lmao), I am back to twice-a-week updates, hopefully in perpetuity until the story finishes or we are all dead.
I did a little bit of housekeeping this afternoon and cleaned up the site’s look, which broke everything briefly, so another special thanks to Webmaster/Code Lord Milo (no relation to Other Milo) for cleaning up my mess and being such a cool guy.
One such item of housekeeping was adding the entirety of Doomsday’s social media presence to the right sidebar. As you can see, it now has an Instagram, which is as useless as it sounds, but my cousin told me I should do it and she’s smart. She even has a baby.
Thank you for your unending patience and all the support in these fucked up times. I will try to continue doing my best by you, and I hope you enjoy how the story plays out!
Just wanna quickly thank everyone for your patience and tell you that Doomsday will be resuming soon, and I apologize for keeping you waiting without any proper news.
I’ve been dealing with a lot of stressful things since December, which have thankfully (mostly) evened out, but my priority has been on keeping myself sane and as relaxed as possible instead of working on a lot of stuff outside my job.
There is also the fact, and my recognition of such, that I have been fairly burned out for probably at least a couple years, and taking some time to just recharge has been monumentally helpful to my mental health and my desire to keep going. Which I’m gonna.
So! I am hoping to get things rolling again this month (March), and in the meantime, I appreciate your readership and thank you for sticking by me.
you may have noticed (if you don’t follow my social media) that I didn’t post a page yesterday, and at this rate I will probably not have one for you on Saturday either, because I am too busy going insane, and am also in the process of recovering from two weird and extremely disparate maladies. please be nice to me and be nice to yourselves too.
love, Cami